Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Pray For Humanity

Pray whole-heartedly for the welfare of humanity. You can be happy only when the world is happy. There is an intimate and inseparable relationship between you and the world. Chant the Divine Name. Pray for the welfare of the world and participate in service activities.

- Divine Discourse.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year

This day is New Year's Day only because you have decided to call it so; it is not astronomically or climatically different from yesterday or tomorrow. Even like this New Year's Day, many hundreds of thousands of such days have passed on earth and many thousands have been celebrated as festival days too. So too, this day has come and this too will be gone. If the New Year's Day is used by one to begin a new way of life, to take a step towards self-realisation or self-improvement through service, only then do the celebrations acquire meaning and significance.